

♥ Art by finleaves
☆ Identity buttons by fluffmoth


they will have proper pages one day but for now they have. bios

Straiyh's lore cannot reasonably explained in a couple sentences but I will try anyways. Local tiefling girl keeps getting thrown into different timelines (because I like making AUs). She's got about 5 years of content and more to come.

Idola is a very dedicated LGBT ally. So dedicated she kisses her coworkers. Or, well, coworker. As the hotter (according to her) half of the world's greatest criminal duo, she uses her charisma and suffocating amounts of bisexuality to get the job done.

Tatsuya, (or "Tatsu" if you're a fan of Way Of The House Husband) was created in the height of my RGG/Yakuza obsession and it's painfully obvious. An ex-yakuza with several debt collectors on his ass, he's known to harbor runaways and other folks who don't have a place to go in his shitty one-bedroom apartment. It's a... creative living situation.

Ezra isn't paid enough to deal with this shit. As a part-time janitor at your local historical site, she's constantly struggling to get through a day of work without completely losing her shit.

I don't claim Asuka from hit game Guilty Gear is my OC. However. He will have a page here because of the sheer amount of headcanons I have.

I haven't really developed Aiden just yet but they're here anyways because I love them


Anyone else "accidentally" drop their jury duty notice in the food processor? LOL! #relatable

Lunch today.

y do shrimp look so patthetc all yhe tim. MAN TF UP !!!!

Does anyone know how to find an employment lawyer?

wtf is a "biohazardous undiscovered species" i wz just tryin to heat up a pizza roll