Welcome to the Straiyh page (or the Straiyhge for short)! There's a lot of info on here, so I've separated each of their AUs into tabs (ordered by their creation from left to right). There's more than what's listed, but I put the most important ones/my favorites/the ones with the most art up for your perusal.
This is still a work-in-progress, so check back soon for more!
Your standard edgy rogue. Her parents are dead as hell, she steals for a living, and refuses to work in a team--nothing particularly new or innovative. Her origins are a generally low-effort character I made in under an hour so I could join my friend's D&D campaign, Explorers of Morthal, at the last minute (For context, I'd never played before). She's been developed into a genuinely somewhat interesting character over the last 5 years and I would've never guessed the silly tiefling I played for a couple sessions would turn into... this creature.
As you can see from her. Uh. Original concept art on the left, I never really put too much thought into her design at first. I'm eternally grateful to the actual artists in the campaign who actually gave her a more cohesive design.
Straiyh's a big fan of bright colors, which is ironic considering the fact that she relies on stealth. Like most tieflings, she has unnaturally colored skin (purple) and a pair of horns (not cat ears) on top of her head, as well as a tail. She has blue hair down to her shoulders and yellow eyes. Her appearance varies wildly depending on which AU she's in, but those are the basics.
Haha #pranked. I don't think I ever thought up a proper backstory for her for this iteration. No angst over her dead parents or anything--actually, that was probably the thing lowest on her priorities. Not because I wrote that they sucked or anything, but I just lowkey forgot. Maybe they're alive, actually?? Game theory get on this.
Death of a parent figure, mention of cannibalism, mention of a cult
At the time of writing it's been about 5 years since the last session, so forgive me for any inconsistences or confusing bits. Yes I know Morthal is a place in Skyrim you're about to notice that we dgaf about inserting random shit in this campaign
Straiyh was introduced a couple sessions into the campaign Skyrim-style (being carted off to get executed. Oopsies!), only to be rescued by the main party. One of the prisoners they freed was a part of the very army that was sending them off to their deaths: The Undefiled, who would execute their own if they so much as got a scratch in battle. Straiyh wasn't, though, she's just a regular petty thief.
The party introduces themselves to Straiyh: Taliah and Tisha Torren, two half-elf twins--a Cleric and Bard respectively, and Svard Agmundrson, a dwarf Barbarian. With nowhere else to turn to, Straiyh decides to stick with them until they reach the next town--and then she'll just ditch them after robbing them blind. Because that's what she's supposed to do.
Good thing the ex-soldier (and, little does Straiyh know, her future father figure), R-36, offers to guide them through the desert, because they very quickly find out that they have no clue where they're going. Turns out we're looking for some other bard named Octavo--I mean, it's not like that's important at all to Straiyh, she's gonna leave them high and dry. But, you know, she's just eavesdropping for the sake of eavesdropping. Either way, the five of them begin to make their way to the Library of Heretics, where Octavo is (supposedly) located.
After a couple of battles, they make camp for the night, and the next morning they recieve a message telling them specifically not to keep looking for Octavo. So they keep looking for Octavo.
The party hitches a ride with a merchant for the rest of the way to the Library, turns out we have to sneak in. Straiyh gets to feel useful here! She grabs them a couple of disguises to better blend in with the... cult?? inside of the building. There's a ballista in the area that surely won't be relevant later.
With the disguises, the party heads inside--we've got dancing cultists, eating cultists, orchestra-listening cultists--Oh shit there's Octavo conducting the orchestra.
A couple of the cultists try to befriend them, offer them some food, etc etc. Taliah takes a bite--and remember how I mentioned how some are eating?? Guess what they're eating.
h. oh god. half-elf meat in the tiramisu.
They don't have time to worry about the implications, though, because thankfully Octavo finally notices them. And doesn't explain a thing to them. And just sends them to fight their way up the tower. Straiyh did not sign up for this!!
Cut to an insanely difficult boss fight against someone they know only as The Executioner. Dude's got a scythe. Svard loses his foot, and Taliah her arm--she's fine though, she literally just put it back on. We love passing a ridiculously high med check. We make it to the top floor, and...
More cannibalism! I don't know what you were expecting.
Tisha & Octavo steal a lyre and let me just say the folks at the top of the tower were not fans of that. One of them--a princess of some sort, Straiyh never had this properly explained to her--turns into some dragon abomination. Octavo turns into a dragon as well, but like, less of an abomination. He attempts to fly the party to safety.
Keyword attempts. Remember that ballista I mentioned earlier? Pew pew, down goes Octavo with the rest of the party. The next thing they know, they've woken up at the party's guild. Hooray! They're met with fanfare, they're heroes for capturing the traitor Octavo, they're even about to execute him! Tisha doesnt' take it well. Svard's still missing a leg, too.
In the town square, we've got the cult leader from the library (Elenwen), Octavo looking worse for wear, and The Void. Just a big ol' hole leading into Void. Totally not ominous!! Tisha tries to speak to Elenwen, but clearly her 20 charisma ability score isn't enough as Elenwen just decides to stab the guy and throw the rest of the party in the void. More shenanigans Straiyh didn't sign up for.
i'm tired ill finish this recap later lol